All posts by 0x90r00t

English [PoliCTF 2015] Dat was real g00d fun

PoliCTF is now over!

It was a really good and fun CTF, challenges were well made, and the organization was really good. Just a few live patching on some challs, but I guess it’s always like that 🙂
Thanks to the organizers who gave us this really good CTF!

As this CTF was a way harder than the Hacking Week, we are not so well ranked, only 73 over 328 (1073 registered), but we are the second French team, behind khack40 (and way before zenk-security and hexpresso 😉 ).
We only solved 7 challenges, and we almost had done 3 more, but as we are a bit lame, we didn’t saw obvious things x)

Obviously, crypto is our main lack, with only zero finished challenge, we really need to skill on that part for the next time!

Stay tuned for the write ups, they’re coming soon (as we don’t have a lot to write :))

Web : web100 – web150 – web350
Pwn : pwn50
Grabbag : grabbag50
Reverse : reverse100
Forensics : forensics100


English [HackingWeek 2015] Back on the event

The HackingWeek is now over !

Good challenges overall, but the staff lacked organization.
Although with a single administrator to manage everything, it shouldn’t be easy either!
Moreover we would have preferred a page announcing the challenges updates (and especially their modifications) rather than be surprised when someone from the team found out.

In terms of ranking, the first days we managed to keep a place in the Top 10 without too much difficulty.
After a week and 18/20 solved challenges, we were ranked first.
The days that followed, our position has decreased to finally be ranked 5th out of 106, with 19/22 solved challenges.
This is not so bad after all, especially since it was the first CTF for most of us!

It’s clear that our team unfortunately does not have enough skill in reverse/exploit 🙂
(For the next CTF we will revise these themes, because yes -to general demand- we will do it again!)

Anyway, we’re just finishing the writeups to share them.

Stay tuned !

Crypto: crypto1 – crypto2crypto3crypto4
Exploit: exploit1 – exploit2 – exploit3exploit4exploit5
Forensic: forensic1forensic2forensic3forensic4
Network: net1net2net3 – net4
Reverse: reverse1 – reverse2