Hello everyone,
This week-end was THE week-end. We were on the Nuit Du Hack, one of the most known french conference and CTF.
From Saturday 10AM to Sunday 7AM, there was talks, workshops, and challenges.
The organizers were here for us also, which is really nice 🙂
This was fun. Really fun! Because this CTF is the first one we made IRL, (almost) everybody was there, we invited some cool guests to the team, and most of all, we finished SECOND! Also because we saw other cools teams, this was challenging for all of us 🙂
Challenges were cool, hard as it needs, and (which is pretty cool) not DoSed all night long, and the organizers did a great job!
We can’t wait for next year, to finish first ^^
You’ll find below some of our write ups:
CrackMe : 150 – Dont’ be too evil. Just a bit – 150 Lol_so_obfuscated [FR only]
Web : 150 – Hello Friend – 250 Classroom – 250 Sticky Sticky [FR only]
Forensics : 150 – Draw Me a Sheep – 200 I’m afraid of a gh0st named Poison Ivy
Stega : 150 – Hamming Fury
Here is the final ranking :

And to finish, our team on the podium 🙂

See ya!