Tag Archives: #writeup

English [HackIM 2016] [Crypto 500 – Crypto question 5] Write Up


Crypto Question 5 500 pts

Now you are one step away from knowing who is that WARRIOR. The Fighter who will decide the fate of war between the 2 countries. The Pride of One and Envey of the Other… You have got the secrete file which has the crucial information to identify the fighter. But the file is encrypted with a RSA-Private key. Good news you have its corresponding public key in a file. Bad news there are 49 other keys. Whos is the Fighter.Now

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English [HackIM 2016] [Programming 500 – Programming Question 5] Write Up


Programming Question 5 500 pts

Dont blink your Eyes, you might miss it. But the fatigue and exhaustion rules out any logic, any will to stay awake. What you need now is a slumber. Cat nap will not do. 1 is LIFE and 0 is DEAD. in this GAME OF LIFE sleep is as important food. So… catch some sleep. But Remember…In the world of 10×10 matirx, the Life exists. If you SLOTH, sleep for 7 Ticks, or 7 Generation, In the game of Life can you tell what will be the state of the world?

The world- 10×10


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English [HackIM 2016] [Crypto 400 – Crypto question 2] Write Up


Crypto Question 4 200 pts

He is influential, he is powerful. He is your next contact you can get you out of this situation. You must reach him soon. Who is he? The few pointers intrecpted by KGB are in the file. Once we know him, we can find his most valuable possession, his PRIDE.

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English [HackIM 2016] [Crypto 400 – Crypto question 3] Write Up


Crypto Question 3 400 pts

After entring the luxurious condomium,you get the feel that you are in home of a yester Star. the extravagant flooring and furnishings shows the richness of this star. But where is she? There she is, lying peacefuly on her couch. See what Envy has done to her…with a perfectly well maintained attractive body she still looks sex diva, except for her face beyond recogniton. Her identity is crucial to know who killed her and why? In absence of any personal data around there is only a file. with a cryptic text in it. Preity sure she has used her own name to XOR encrypt the file. And challenge is to know her name.

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English [HackIM 2016] [Prog 1/3/4 200/300/400] Write Up


Programming 1 (200 points):

So you reached Delhi and now the noise in your head is not allowing you to think rationally. The Nosise in your head has origin its Origin in your Stomach. And this is a big hunger. You can finish one or probably 2 Tandoori Chicken. So where can you get the best Tandoori Chicken in Delhi? This place tweeted last week that the Tandoori Chicken it servers is like never B4. You got its twitter handle?

Programming 2 (300 points):

Still Hungry and unsutisfied, you are looking for more. Some more, unique un heard dishes. Then you can find one to make it your self. Its his Dish. He has his own website which is he describes as ” a social home for each of our passions”. The link to his website is on his google+ page. whats the name of his site. By the way he loves and hogs on “Onion Kheer”. Have you heard of “Onion Kheer”?

Programming 3 (400 points):

One of the NullCon vidoes talked about a marvalous Russian Gift. The Vidoe was uploaded on [May of 2015] What is the ID of that youtube video.

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