Category Archives: CTF

English [Juniors CTF 2016] [Misc 500 – Oldschool] Write Up


Soos: Hi, dudes! Look what I’ve found in the attic.
Dipper: What is this, Soos?
Soos: Oh, this is the Castlevania II cartridge for NES.
Mable: Cartwhat?
Soos: I had this game in my childhood, but I didn’t manage to pass it to the end …
Dipper: Then let’s pass it together!
Soos: Thanks, dudes.

Continue reading [Juniors CTF 2016] [Misc 500 – Oldschool] Write Up

English [Hack The Vote 2016] [Forensics 300 – More suspicious traffic] Write up


We think our voting computers might be compromised! The Clinton campaign claims Trump is working with the Russians to rig the election. Our tech got a packet capture right before strange things started happening and isolated these packets. Our IDS didn’t flag anything, but take a look and see if you can find any hidden communications channels the Russians could use for command and control (C2). It would make the leaders of the free world look pretty bad if the Russians were the ones picking our president!


author’s irc nick: LtDan

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English [Hack The Vote 2016] [Exploit 300 – FOX Voting Simulator] Write up


In primaries, it is important to get the most attention. With 12 candidates all sharing the stage, it can be hard to pull in voters. Luckily Mr Trump doesn’t have much problem with that, but we have a strategy to secure the vote for good. We have found voters respond very well to name recognition, and which ever candidate is polling the highest. We see a snowball effect if we can tip a few online polls his way, then it will be easier for him to take the real ones, and then eventually the nomination.

We were able to dump some of the source code from FOX’s new online poll service. We couldn’t get everything, but I’m sure that is no problem for you.


nc 9000

author’s irc nick: itszn

26 solves
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