All posts by 0x90r00t
[HackIM 2016] Back on the event
Hello buddies!
The HackIM has just ended.
We finished 61th 37th over 560 535 actives teams.
This year (again) the CTF has been f*cked with corruption : sharing flags between Indian teams and DDoSing to block submissions…
[9447 CTF 2015] Back on the event
Hey folks!
The 9447 Security Society CTF has just finished 🙂
It took place the 28-29th of November for 48 hours.
We ended up 49th on ~600 -active- teams.
[Hackover 2015] Back on the event
Hey folks!
The Hackover CTF is finished 🙂
It took place between 16-18th of September for 36 hours.
We ended up 18th on 419 -active- teams.