Title : Convert to uppercase
Continue reading [Cybercamp 2015] [Web 11 – Convert to uppercase] Write Up
Title : Convert to uppercase
Continue reading [Cybercamp 2015] [Web 11 – Convert to uppercase] Write Up
100 Points – SOLVED
Holidays are here! But John still hasn’t decided where to spend them and time is running out: flights are overbooked and prices are rising every second. Fortunately, John just discovered a website where he can book last second flight to all the European capitals; however, there’s no time to waste, so he just grabs his suitcase and thanks to his new smartphone he looks the city of his choice up while rushing to the airport. There he goes! Flight is booked so… hauskaa lomaa!
Continue reading [PoliCTF 2015] [Web 100 – John The Traveller] Write Up
150 Points – SOLVED
John is one of the most famous referee and security expert in the world. He loves encryption and his referee uniforms. You can find them on his online store.
Unfortunatly his best uniform is not on sale for anyone. I know that it is available only on invitation. I want that uniform!
Continue reading [PoliCTF 2015] [Web 150 – John The Referee] Write Up
350 Points – SOLVED
I visit this website when I’m sad, contains many magical things that help me to find the solution. Focused on
your problem and find “the magic thing” that will help you to solve
Continue reading [PoliCTF 2015] [Web 350 – Magic Chall] Write Up