We have been given a .class file:
The goal is to return the SHA256 of the plaintext.
A .class file contains Java Bytecode compiled and cannot be easily understood.
We have to use a Java decompiler to get a .java file which can be read.
In this case, we have chosen CFR (you can also use an online decompiler)
This is the decompiled code:
import; public class Nivel1 { String username; String levelFlag = "xGV2ZWwgMSB3YXMgc28gZWFzeS4uLiBzZWUgeW91IG5leHQgbGV2ZWwgOykuIERIQwo!"; public Nivel1(String string) { this.username = string; if (string.contains((CharSequence)"-authorized")) { String[] arrstring = string.split("-"); this.levelFlag = "" + Character.toUpperCase(arrstring[1].charAt(2)) + this.levelFlag.substring(1, this.levelFlag.length() - 1) + (char)(Integer.parseInt(String.format("%04x", (short)arrstring[1].charAt(arrstring[1].length() - 1)), 15) ^ 99); } else { for (int i = 0; i < string.length() / 2; ++i) { this.levelFlag = this.levelFlag.replace(string.charAt(i), string.charAt(string.length() - 1)); } } } public String getLevelFlag() { return this.levelFlag; } public static void main(String[] arrstring) { Nivel1 nivel1 = new Nivel1(System.getenv("USER")); System.out.println("dropped flag: " + nivel1.getLevelFlag()); } }
First of all is to check the main() function:
Nivel1 nivel1 = new Nivel1(System.getenv("USER"));
The parameter for the Nivel1 have to be in the USER environment variable.
Secondly, in the Nivel1 function:
public Nivel1(String string) {
this.username = string;
if (string.contains((CharSequence)"-authorized")) {
The USER variable have to contain “-authorized”.
Let’s set the variable USER into our system, in a terminal:
export USER=-authorized
Just for being sure:
printenv USER
The flag should be dropped by executing the class file:
java Nivel1
dropped flag: TGV2ZWwgMSB3YXMgc28gZWFzeS4uLiBzZWUgeW91IG5leHQgbGV2ZWwgOykuIERIQwo=
Yes! .. But it seems to be some base64 encoded text, so we decode it.
echo TGV2ZWwgMSB3YXMgc28gZWFzeS4uLiBzZWUgeW91IG5leHQgbGV2ZWwgOykuIERIQwo= | base64 --decode
Level 1 was so easy... see you next level ;). DHC
SHA256(Level 1 was so easy… see you next level ;). DHC) = ed7198bfc7a19af2959808edede9b2b3c2242337932ef050935ebac5714ce557
Flag is ed7198bfc7a19af2959808edede9b2b3c2242337932ef050935ebac5714ce557