Tag Archives: #defcamp


Hello everyone,

Last year, we were on final for the Defcamp. We finished in the bottom of the ranking (thanks to… actually to the night before, which had been a bit rude ^^).
But this year, we decided to be better (even if we again tried a lot of bars). And it paid! We were constantly moving from place #5 to #6, and ten minutes before the end, one of us flagged a challenge, and secured the 5th place!

Even if it’s not the first time we get into the Top5, we were in front of famous teams, and it was a real challenge to deal with it. But, hey, fighting DCUA, P4, and others was really fun after all! 🙂

We would like to thanks the organizers of the CTF, and of the Defcamp for their awesome work, and to say them : “See you next year ;)”

Here are the ranks :

defcamp ranking