Mabel: What`s up, Gruncle???
Stan: I left a phone here and went to the store to sell something useless. When I got back I saw this
*shows a broken mobile*
Mabel: OMG!
Soos: Gonna get some insulating tape.
Stan: Restore the justice!A few hours later
Dipper: Hm, who could do this?.. Soos, I managed to restore some files, maybe you can help to find something. Will you?
Soos: Of course, Dipper.
The given resource is a zipped file with a directory “sdcard”, containing stuff related to Android.
In the interesting we found:
- /sdcard/Download: 2 images - /sdcard/Android/data: data from apps like Facebook, VKontakte, Firefox, Telegram - /sdcard/.vkontakte/cache/audio_messages
The 2 images didn’t contain interesting things and no stenography either.
In the data directory, nothing interesting too.
(If you like music, we retrieved the titles of the 3 songs from The Beatles – Yesterday, John Lennon – Imagine and The Beatles – Help!. :D)
The remaining file in “.vkontakte/cache/audio_messages” is named “397087112_439151831.ogg” and less than 1KB.
File naming is related to the userid on VK:
Flag was waddles_the_d3stroyer