English [Internetwache CTF 2016] [Exploit 80 – Remote Printer] Write Up


Internetwache CTF 2016 : Remote Printer
Category: Exploit Points: 80 Solves: 101 Description:

Description: Printer are very very important for offices. Especially for remote printing. My boss told me to build a tool for that task.

Attachment: exp80.zip


Continue reading [Internetwache CTF 2016] [Exploit 80 – Remote Printer] Write Up

English [Internetwache CTF 2016] [Reverse 70 – ServerfARM] Write Up


Internetwache CTF 2016 : ServerfARM
Category: Reversing Points: 70 Solves: 156 Description:

Description: Someone handed me this and told me that to pass the exam, I have to extract a secret string. I know cheating is bad, but once does not count. So are you willing to help me?

Attachment: rev70.zip

Continue reading [Internetwache CTF 2016] [Reverse 70 – ServerfARM] Write Up