Tag Archives: #oldschool

English [3DS CTF] [MISC 400 – WAT] Write up


Scavenging an old 318br repo, we found a program missing some line of code. Even without this line, we would like to know the result of
its execution.
Specific instruction: Put the flag on the format 3DS{} and submit.

Vasculhando um repositorio antigo do 318br, nos encontramos um programa faltando uma parte. Mesmo faltando uma parte, nos gostariamos que voce nos dissesse o resultado de sua execucao.
Instrucao especifica: Colocar o resultado no formato 3DS{} e submeter.

Solved by 19 Teams

Continue reading [3DS CTF] [MISC 400 – WAT] Write up

English [Juniors CTF 2016] [Misc 500 – Oldschool] Write Up


Soos: Hi, dudes! Look what I’ve found in the attic.
Dipper: What is this, Soos?
Soos: Oh, this is the Castlevania II cartridge for NES.
Mable: Cartwhat?
Soos: I had this game in my childhood, but I didn’t manage to pass it to the end …
Dipper: Then let’s pass it together!
Soos: Thanks, dudes.

Continue reading [Juniors CTF 2016] [Misc 500 – Oldschool] Write Up