Category Archives: CTF

English [Sharif University CTF 2016] Back on the event

Hello buddies!

The Sharif University CTF has just ended.
We finished 29th 28th on 448 actives teams.

We enjoyed it as it was a nice CTF, well organized and in general well-interesting!
The only thing we regret a bit is the fact that some challenges were pure guessing.
We still look forward to the next one 🙂

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English [HackIM 2016] [Crypto 500 – Crypto question 1] Write Up


Crypto Question 1 500 pts

You are in this GAME. A critical mission, and you are surrounded by the beauties, ready to shed their slik gowns on your beck. On onside your feelings are pulling you apart and another side you are called by the duty. The biggiest question is seX OR success? The signals of subconcious mind are not clear, cryptic. You also have the message of heart which is clear and cryptic. You just need to use three of them and find whats the clear message of your Mind… What you must do?

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English [HackIM 2016] [Crypto 500 – Crypto question 5] Write Up


Crypto Question 5 500 pts

Now you are one step away from knowing who is that WARRIOR. The Fighter who will decide the fate of war between the 2 countries. The Pride of One and Envey of the Other… You have got the secrete file which has the crucial information to identify the fighter. But the file is encrypted with a RSA-Private key. Good news you have its corresponding public key in a file. Bad news there are 49 other keys. Whos is the Fighter.Now

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