People say, you’re good at brute forcing… Have fun!
By connecting onto the server, we were prompted with this :
People say, you're good at brute forcing... Hint: Format is TIME:CHAR Char 0: Time is 16:22:54, 051th day of 2016 +- 30 seconds and the hash is: 8fc5d07bb5a4f55e058877be1aa14682c1d5bd37
Actually, the task was a bit confusing. We were thinking that we needed to hash the timestamp of the date with a shift of +/- 30 second AND the char “0” in order to go to the next level, but it was not that at all.
The hash to bruteforce was the timestamp (shifted to +/- 30 seconds) and the i-th char of the flag. Thanks to the admins for clarifying that btw ๐
So as we knew the flag format, we could easily suppose that the first char to find was “I”, and the second a “W”.
We wrote a little script in order to bruteforce the timestamp and the (nearly all) printable ascii character space, as this :
# coding: utf8 import socket import time import hashlib import datetime def getAnswer(q): chars = 'azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbnAZERTYUIOPQSDFGHJKLMWXCVBN{}1234567890\'"(-_/*+)"&#[]|@<>?./ยง!:;,' q = q.split('\n')[0] ch = q.split(':')[0].split(" ")[1] hour = q.split(',')[0].split('is ')[1] day = q.split('th')[0].split(', ')[1] year = q.split("of ")[1].split(' ')[0] delta = int(q.split(' seconds')[0].split(year+" +- ")[1]) md5 = q.split(' ')[-1] stamp = time.strptime(str(hour+" "+day+" "+year), '%H:%M:%S %j %Y') stamp = int(time.mktime(stamp)) tmp = stamp - delta found = 0 while tmp < stamp+(delta*2) and found is 0: for c in chars: calc = hashlib.sha1(str(tmp)+":"+c).hexdigest() if (calc == md5): found = 1 return str(tmp)+":"+c tmp=tmp+1 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(("", 11117)) flag = "" while (1): buf = s.recv(1024) if buf and 'Char' in buf: buf = buf.split('Char')[1] print buf res = getAnswer(buf) if (res): print(res) flag += res[-1] s.send(res) print (flag)
After a bit of time, the flag was waiting on our prompt.
Flag was IW{M4N_Y0U_C4N_B3_BF_M4T3RiAL!}