Archives mensuelles : septembre 2016
[CSAW Quals 2016] [WEB 125 – mfw] Write Up
[ASIS Finals 2016] [Trivia 19 – Smallest MD5] Write Up
I have lied that I have found the smallest MD5 hash possible, to win a bet.
Now the other guy is pissed off and wants to know where have I got this hash from. What results to this hash? Please help!
Continuer la lecture de [ASIS Finals 2016] [Trivia 19 – Smallest MD5] Write Up
[MMA CTF 2016] [Crypto 180 – ESPer] Write Up
nc 37992
============================= About ===============================
You are very good ESPer, so that you can change any local variable
value to 2048 bit random integer.You should specify the ESP string as the line number and variables'
name to change separated by colon.For example, if the source code is below and your input is "2:x",
the line 2 works the same as "x = rand(2 ** 2048); puts x". So the
output is random number.
| 1| x = 3 |
| 2| puts x |
Encryption Source code is here.
| 1| n, e = read_publickey(ARGV[0]) |
| 2| print "Message m: " |
| 3| STDOUT.flush |
| 4| m = STDIN.gets.to_i |
| 5| c = encrypt(m, e, n) |
| 6| puts "Encrypted: #{c}" |
| 7| STDOUT.flush |
+---+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+Decryption Source code is here
| 1| p, q, dp, dq, qinvp = read_privkey(ARGV[0]) |
| 2| print "Encrypted Message c: " |
| 3| STDOUT.flush |
| 4| c = STDIN.gets.to_i |
| 5| m1 = decrypt(c, dp, p) |
| 6| m2 = decrypt(c, dq, q) |
| 7| m = merge(m1, m2, p, q, qinvp) |
| 8| puts "Decrypted: #{m}" |
| 9| STDOUT.flush |
Continuer la lecture de [MMA CTF 2016] [Crypto 180 – ESPer] Write Up